How to Drink Like James Bond (According to Ian Fleming Himself)
From when James Bond christens The Vesper in his first literary adventure, Casino Royale, to the immortal "shaken, not stirred" line inside Diamonds are Forever, to various other references and recipes on the page and on the screen, 007 takes his drinking quite seriously. As should you.
And though we're typically bourbon boys at AIROWS — and enjoy a fine mezcal on occasion — the art of the cocktail is something to appreciate, especially when Ian Fleming himself is teaching you the ropes. And that's where Shaken comes in, a new guide highlighting ten classic cocktails from the pages of Bond novels alongside 40 all-new drink recipes paying tribute the most iconic spy character in history.
Developed by the Fleming estate, they tapped the co-founders of Soho's Bar Swift to build on Bond's drinking habits and provide all the know-how you need, from cocktail making tips and tricks to ordering properly at your favorite watering hole. (While not sounding like a douche.)
The hardcover release is now available on Amazon for just $25. We'll cheers to that....