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Apple News x Airows Is Now Better Than Ever

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Our website will always and forever be our hub, where we provide a best-in-class reading experience thanks to our minimalistic site design and tasteful advertising strategy that ditches the dreadful banner networks and 'You Might Also Like' spam that ugly up and slow down other publications.

We wanted to make sure the Apple News reading experience matched our website experience, so we're very excited to announce that Airows is now a much deeper part of the Apple News environment and our feed now goes well beyond RSS. 

Nearly 10,000 of you are already following us on Apple News and now each of you will see our stories specifically crafted for the platform using the content management tools provided by Apple. That means cleaner layouts and more vivid imagery on top of gallery features and more. It's the right way to do it and we're proud to do it the right way.

If you're not already following us on the app, head here to subscribe on any Apple device.